There are two primary subscriptions in the Roamli platform, "Explorer" and "Creator".

Explorer is the free tier for anyone who wants to explore the world using the Roamli app and participate in the hundreds of free events. You will be able to create Challenges and Events with this tier but only as a preview. You will need to upgrade to the Creator tier to activate the event for use.

Creator will allow you to Create and Share Events, Access Event Analytics, Manage Event Submissions Online, and more. This is where you will get access to the full suite of analytics and user submissions for any event you create. To upgrade to the Creator tier click the "Become a Roamli Creator" button in the bottom left corner of your Roamli Portal Home Page.

It will then give you the option to select "Upgrade" under the Creator section. You can also request a demo if you'd like to learn more about the platform before purchasing.

Once you upgrade to the Creator tier you will immediately have access to activate an event and view analytics and submissions for previous events. Please note that you will only have access to analytics and submissions with an active Creator account. If you choose to cancel you will simply need to renew to view them.

If you have any questions regarding this please reach out to our support team at [email protected] and we're happy to help!